Low growth hormone

What is low growth hormone?

Human growth hormone (HGH), also known simply as growth hormone or somatotropin, is a key hormone produced in the pituitary gland that plays an important role in growth and development, especially during childhood and adolescence.

Symptoms of low HGH levels

Some signs and symptoms that may indicate low growth hormone production include:

Causes of growth hormone deficiency

Low or deficient levels of HGH can happen for various reasons:

Diagnosis is key - blood tests to measure IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels, plus stimulation testing to check pituitary response - will help determine if an HGH deficiency exists.

"We take a comprehensive approach focused on BIOIDENTICAL hormone replacement, nutrition, fitness and lifestyle changes to help people look and feel their best from the inside out."

HGH Treatment Options

For those struggling with symptoms of low somatotropin/HGH, working with an experienced hormone specialist is recommended to discuss testing and potential treatment paths like:

Whichever path is right for an individual's specific needs, the goal of treatment is relieving difficult symptoms and improving vitality, body composition, bone health and overall quality of life.

The board-certified practitioners at Endocrine Wellness Center provide personalized care plans to address hormone imbalances. We welcome those coping with symptoms of possible growth hormone deficiency for an initial consultation to see if Bioidentical HGH therapy or alternatives may help restore healthy function. Our commitment is helping patients benefit from the latest anti-aging and regenerative therapies tailored to their unique biochemistry and health goals.

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